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Top NPA leaders yield, high-powered firearms captured as EastMinCom continues intensified military ops

NSFA, Panacan, Davao City - A top leader of the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) in Sarangani and five of his high-ranking followers voluntarily yield to the combined troops of the 10th Infantry Division’s 1002nd Brigade (1002Bde), 73rd Infantry Battalion (73IB), 6th Infantry Division, and intel units at Sitio Lebe, Brgy. Kablacan, Maasim, Sarangani Province on January 19, 2022.

The surrenderers were identified as Remydio Sambilad alias Yoyong/Boyaks, Member of the CTG's Far South Mindanao Region (FSMR) Executive Committee (EXECOM), Vice Commanding Officer of the Regional Operational Command, and Secretary of the defunct Guerrilla Front (GF) Tala; Benny Española alias Ay-ar, also a member of FSMR's EXECOM and former Deputy Secretary; Mary Jane Pason alias Nicole, party wife of Sambilad and former Medical Officer; Revelyn Pason alias Jinky, mother of alias Nicole and former Finance Officer; and Meylen Laugo Tangan alias April and Jesabel Shangga Tango alias Baby Colot, Medical Officers of GF MUSA, FSMR.
They also handed over two AK-47 rifles, two M203 Grenade Launchers, and an M79 Grenade Launcher to government troops.
On a separate occasion, six high-powered firearms were recovered by the troops of the 4th Infantry Division's 901st Brigade, 29th Infantry Battalion together with the Philippine National Police, following the intensified combat operations in the hinterlands of Sitio Ancili, Brgy Puting Bato, Cabadbaran City, Agusan del Norte on January 25, 2022.
The said operations were launched through the directive of LtGen. Greg T. Almerol, the Commander of EastMinCom to fast-track the dissolution of the CTG in Eastern Mindanao.
The seized firearms were composed of two AK-47 rifles, an EMTAN rifle, an M16 rifle, an M653 rifle, and an M203 Grenade Launcher, while seven magazines with ammunition for AK-47, nine 40mm Grenade Launcher ammunitions, Bandolier, a Nokia cellular phone, assorted food supplies, and other personal belongings with subversive documents were also recovered.
Meanwhile, LtGen. Almerol welcomed the decision of Sambilad and his members to surrender peacefully to finally attain genuine peace in the country.
He also said that the series of operations launched by the EastMinCom is in response to the information shared by the former CTG members to the troops on the whereabouts of their former comrades.
“The information shared by the surrenderees increased our capacity to locate other members of the CTG and conduct intensive operations to drive them away from communities. We attribute this to the growing trust of some NPA members in the government, not only because of our programs for their former comrades but also the delivery of basic services to the people living in far-flung areas,” LtGen. Almerol said.
The EastMinCom Commander also pointed out that the series of surrenders of the CTG's top-ranking personalities and encounters with their elements are manifestations of their crumbling leadership and the fall of their former mass bases, which served as pillars of their operations.
“From this vantage point, it is apparent that the CTG has a nil chance of winning this war now that their former mass bases have already rejected them while their high-ranking leaders are either dead or are already allies of the government," he said.
LtGen. Almerol also reiterated his invitation to remaining CTG leaders and members to "lay down their arms as the government's door is always open for those who wanted to embrace a new life," assuring that they will get all assistance they need through the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP).###

Source: Public Information Office, Eastern Mindanao Command, AFP


The Eastern Mindanao Command (EastMinCom) strongly supports the proposal of Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio to implement a mandatory military service among 18-year-old Filipino youth.

We believe that the role of our youth in the peace, development, and stability of our country is vital given the current security situation both internal and external. Aside from modernized assets, we need more forces to keep up with the demands of our defense sector, not only in times of conflict but also during natural disasters.
In other countries, the youth aged 18 or above have to serve their armed forces mandatorily for 2 years.
If the proposal will push-through, we will have a massive human resource that can readily respond for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response operations.
Aside from this, we believe that the proposal will instill discipline, develop leadership, and nurture patriotism among the young members of our society, which are necessary to be acquired by our next leaders. In fact, some of our great Presidents and national leaders in the past have also served in the armed forces during their youth before they took the helm of the highest seat in our government and other national positions.
Most importantly, the proposal will spare and deny our youth from the indoctrination and recruitment of organizations which have links to the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG), violent extremist organizations, and other lawless elements.
The communist-terrorists and other notorious groups take advantage of the vulnerabilities and idealism of our youth especially students and Indigenous Peoples (IP) to lure them in joining their lawless and criminal activities.
Above all, the mandatory military service will create a generation of law-abiding and patriotic citizens that will contribute to the National Vision 2040: Matatag, Maginhawa, at Panatag na Buhay for all Filipinos.
Source: Public Information Office, Eastern Mindanao Command, AFP

Top 2 NPA leader falls in Bukidnon skirmish

NSFA, Panacan, Davao City – The Commander of Eastern Mindanao Command (EastMinCom) LtGen. Greg T. Almerol describes the current situation of the New People’s Army (NPA) in Mindanao as "running like a headless monster" as Pedro Codaste alias Gonyong/Serv, the 2nd top-ranking NPA Commander in Mindanao falls at the hands of combined military units following an encounter at Brgy Kalabugao, Impasugong, Bukidnon on January 21, 2022.

Following EastMinCom's direction to intensify the military offensives against the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG), combined forces of the 4th Infantry Division’s (4ID) 402nd Brigade, 16th Infantry Battalion, Special Action Force (SAF) of Philippine National Police (PNP), and intel units launched an operation in the said area in response to reliable information from concerned citizens about the presence of an armed group.
Troops figured in a 30-minute firefight against an estimated 15 fully armed CTG which resulted in the death of Codaste and a certain alias Zandro.
They also recovered two firearms composed of an AK47 Rifle, a Caliber .45 Pistol, an Anti-Personnel Mine (APM), three backpacks with personal belongings, and subversive documents at the encounter site.
Codaste was considered as the Acting Chairman of the NPA's Komisyun Mindanao (KOMMID) after the death of Antonio Cabanatan, Jorge Madlos, and Menandro Villanueva.
He was also a member of the Communist Party of the Philippines' (CPP) Central Committee, National Democratic Front (NDF) Consultant, Deputy Secretary KOMMID, former Secretary of Guerilla Front 4A (GF4A) in Agusan del Sur during the early '90s, and later became Secretary of the North Central Mindanao Regional Committee in 2009.
According to LtGen. Almerol, the death of Codaste gives justice to the victims of his atrocities in Mindanao. He had multiple warrants of arrest for murder, double frustrated murder, and attempted murder from the Regional Trial Court, 10th Judicial Region of Malaybalay City, Bukidnon since last August 2018.
The EastMinCom Commander assessed that just as what happened after the death of Ka Oris and Ka Bok, two of the top-ranking NPA leaders in Mindanao, more NPA personalities will yield to the troops as they cannot survive at hands of inexperienced leaders.
“We are seeing a snowball of surrender in the coming days with the successful neutralization of another CTG head. This is possible as the operational balance of the CTG continues to crumble while the morale of their followers depletes after a series of engagements with our troops," he said.
Meanwhile, LtGen. Almerol reiterated his call to the remaining CTG members to surrender peacefully instead of following the path of their slain leaders.
“May you follow the steps of your former comrades who are now living a peaceful and comfortable life under the care of the government as beneficiaries of the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP). All you need to do is make that decisive action to peacefully surrender and we will ensure your safety and protection,” LtGen. Almerol said.
“We abhor the idea of bloodshed and we do not want to see another rebel dying for the sake of a failed ideology. Surrender now instead of wasting your lives,” he emphasized.
LtGen. Almerol also applauded the people living in the communities for their proactive sharing of information to the military “which has been instrumental in the success of its operations in Eastern Mindanao.”
He also commended the troops of 4ID, PNP, and intel units for the successful neutralization of another most wanted NPA leader in Eastern Mindanao.”
“Your exemplary job is a true source of inspiration for all Filipino people who strive to make the country better in pursuit of peace and development. Keep up the good work!” the EastMinCom Commander said.###
Source: Public Information Office, Eastern Mindanao Command, AFP

EastMinCom troops pursue evading NPA remnants, seize more firearms in Lanao del Sur

NSFA, Panacan, Davao City – Troops of the Eastern Mindanao Command (EastMinCom) under the leadership of LtGen. Greg T. Almerol has seized more firearms and war materiel following a series of clashes against the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) in the tri-boundaries of the municipalities of Amai Manabilang, Lumba-Bayabao, and Maguing, all in Lanao del Sur on January 20, 2022.

The skirmish came after concerned citizens reported the presence of some 30 armed men to the troops under the 403rd Brigade's 1st Special Forces Battalion (1SFBn), who have been pursuing the remnants of North Central Mindanao Regional Committee’s (NCMRC) Sub-Regional Committee 4 (SRC4) and SRC5 in said area.
The two-hour firefight resulted in the seizure of five high-powered firearms composed of two M16 rifles, an M653 rifle, an M14 rifle, an AK-47 rifle, assorted magazines for M16, M14 and AK-47, five linked of ammunitions for M60 GPMG, 208 rounds of AK-47 ammunitions, three bandoliers, four cellphones, assorted medical supplies and paraphernalia, backpacks with personal belongings, subversive documents, and food supplies.
No casualty was reported after the clash but troops found heavy bloodstains along the withdrawal route of the evading terrorists.
Troops of the 403rd Brigade are already conducting hot pursuit operations against the fleeing CTG and have already coordinated with other adjacent military units.
It can be recalled that the troops under 1st SFBn also encountered the same group on January 8, 2022, which resulted in the death of alias Rasty/Ade/Hansel, the Political Officer/Team Leader of Sub-Regional Sentro De Grabidad (SRSDG) Crackers Company of SRC5, NCMRC, and the seizure of an M60 GPMG, an M4 rifle, M16 rifle, M14 rifle, an M1 Garand rifle, and other war materiel.
LtGen. Almerol said that the CTG in Bukidnon has been running away from the government forces towards unfamiliar terrain such as in Lanao del Sur as communities in their former mass bases have already declared them persona-non-grata.
"After years of intimidation, the people have finally turned against the terrorist movement and are reaping for its benefits. Although their remnants are still on the run, lack of familiarity in the new terrain and support from communities made them easier to be pursued and engaged by our troops," he said.
"These clashes send a strong manifestation that the people are already fed up with the CTG's continued atrocities in their communities, therefore making them more participative in the military's campaign to end the communist insurgency by reporting suspicious armed groups and activities," the EastMinCom Commander added.
LtGen. Almerol also lauded the troops for the successful recovery of firearms, which he said will reduce the CTG's capacity to use them against innocent civilians.
Earlier this year, EastMinCom has successfully dismantled the CTG's SRC 5 under the Southern Mindanao Regional Committee after 14 of its top-ranking leaders surrendered on January 13, 2022.
"Team EastMinCom will not stop until the communist insurgency ends. We will finish the job before June 2022, as the CTG had already suffered major blows in the intensive focused military operations conducted by EastMinCom," LtGen. Almerol expressed.#
Source: Public Information Office, Eastern Mindanao Command, AFP

EastMinCom’s relentless ops led to the surrender of more NPA members, recovery of firearms

NSFA, Panacan, Davao City - As series of focused military operations continue following the directive of LtGen. Greg T. Almerol, the Commander of Eastern Mindanao Command, to finally curb the diminishing forces of Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) in Eastern Mindanao, four CTG members surrendered anew while various firearms and subversive documents were recovered by the troops from January 16 to 17.

Three CTG members identified as Angel Iligan alias Beboy/Ervin including two minors both 17 years old, who are all members of Guerilla Front (GF) 16, North Eastern Mindanao Regional Committee (NEMRC) voluntarily yielded to the troops of 30th Infantry Battalion (30IB) in Brgy. Mahanub, Gigaquit, Surigao del Norte on January 16.
They were followed by a CTG personality identified as Isagani Lina Pepito Alias Rex/Abby, who surrendered to the troops of 8IB under the 403rd Brigade (403Bde) in Bukidnon on the same day.
Pepito is the Team Leader of Team Baking, Squad 1, Platoon Dario, one of the remnants of the dismantled GF89, Sub-Regional Committee 2 (SRC2), North Central Mindanao Regional Committee (NCMRC) which was absorbed by Headquarters Force Neo (HQF-NEO) of the Regional Sentro De Gravidad Compaq (RSDG COMPAQ).
Following an encounter from troops of 901st Bde's 30IB seized an AK47 rifle, 11 magazines with ammunition, a rifle grenade, five 40mm ammunition, two sets of anti-personnel mines, and six backpacks with personal belongings from the CTG’s Sandatahang Yunit Pampropaganda (SYP) 16C1 and 16C2, both under the GF16, SRC Northland, NEMRC in Brgy Motorpool, Tubod, Surigao del Norte on January 16.
On the same day, combined troops of 403Bde’s 8IB and 2nd Scout Ranger Battalion were also able to seize an M16A1 rifle, a Modified R4 rifle, eight backpacks, eight ponchos, four sacks of rice, and three backpacks of assorted food supplies after an encounter with a CTG under the RSDG Compaq, NCMRC at Sitio Nahawan, Brgy. Busdi in Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.
In a separate incident, combined forces of 1003rd Brigade's 27IB, 56IB, 89IB, 3IB and intelligence units successfully recovered five high-powered firearms and other war materiel from the remnants of Sub-Regional Guerilla Unit of SRC5, Southern Mindanao Regional Committee composed of three M16 rifles, an M653 rifle, an M203 Grenade Launcher, nine magazines and five 40mm ammunitions after former rebels disclosed their location at Sitio Palisan, Brgy Palma Gil, Talaingod, Davao del Norte on January 17, 2022.
LtGen. Almerol lambasted the CTG for its continued recruitment of minors to be used in its terroristic activities, which is a blatant violation of the International Humanitarian Law. He added that troops will coordinate with the Social Welfare and Development Office to ensure that the minors will be taken care of.
The Commander also said that EastMinCom's continued conduct of intensified combat operations is in response to the bulk of information that was shared by former rebels and concerned citizens to the troops.
“This accomplishment is part of our ramped-up initiatives against the CTG in order to meet the goal of ending the local communist armed conflict by 2022," he added.
He likewise bared that the demoralization brought about by hunger, lack of leadership, and successive defeats of the CTG in Eastern Mindanao, made its members realize that they are fighting an unwinnable revolution.
“These former rebels revealed their bitter and unfair experience in the hands of their CTG leaders. It made them surrender and decide to return to the folds of the law,” he said.
Meanwhile, the EastMinCom Commander once again urged the remaining CTG members to come forward and lay down their arms, embrace a new life, and avail the government’s assistance being offered to them.
“Now is the time to make peace with the government and embrace its offer of a comfortable life through the Enhanced Comprehensive Integration Program (ECLIP),” LtGen. Almerol expressed. ###

Source: Public Information Office, Eastern Mindanao Command, AFP

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