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No Truth on CPP’s Claim of ‘Fake Clash’ Over Ka Oris Death – EastMinCom Commander


NSFA, Panacan, Davao City - The Eastern Mindanao Command (EastMinCom) under the leadership of LtGen. Greg T. Almerol lambasted the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) for perpetuating lies that Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) leader Jorge “Ka Oris” Madlos was killed in an ambush instead of a legitimate encounter, stressing that this is nothing but their final attempt to save face using a tired trope to discredit the accomplishment of EastMinCom hardworking and dedicated troops.

LtGen. Almerol, along with the whole EastMinCom units, urged the populace not to be swayed by the statement released by the CPP spokesperson. “There is not a single honest bone in the CPP leaders’ and members’ bodies. They have been lying to the people for decades in order to advance their agenda of violence and rob the people of peace and development that they should have been enjoying in their communities many years ago,” LtGen. Almerol said.
“The CPP’s official statement of lies is nothing new. It was nothing but an overused line that the CPP has been using for many years whenever they find themselves in a disadvantaged position. If they must lie, they should at least be original to be sound convincing. In this case, they have failed to persuade the people by using the same lie over and over again,” LtGen. Almerol expressed.
The EastMinCom Commander said that Ka Oris’ loss is major setback to the CPP; hence, they will publicize lies to discredit the efforts of the military in pursing peace and development in the country. He added, however, that the Filipino people are too smart to be persuaded by their acts of deception.
EastMinCom ensured the public that Ka Oris died in a legitimate encounter with the government forces, which was the result of the collective valuable efforts of the different operating troops from the 403rd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, PA, and intelligence units. LtGen. Almerol added that the successful operations were the result of the military’s careful and deliberate plan to neutralize CTG leaders.
The EastMinCom Commander stressed that the government forces in Eastern Mindanao are strictly adhering to the rules of engagement and the provisions of international treaties such as the Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, unlike the CPP’s consistent violation of these standards through their shameless use of anti-personnel mines, ambushing of civilians, recruitment of child warriors, and exploitation of the Indigenous People.
“Our troops had done an excellent job by eliminating hardcore CTG leaders who are hounding the people with their terroristic activities and wreaking havoc in the countryside. Our brave and courageous soldiers displayed their bravery, and dedication to their sworn duties by exemplifying outstanding training skills and strategy in serving the Filipino people,” the EastMinCom Commander expressed.
On the other hand, EastMinCom welcomed the Mindanao Indigenous Peoples Council of Elders and Leaders’ statement expressing a celebratory mood over the death of Ka Oris whom they dubbed as “the butcher” of Indigenous Peoples in Mindanao for being the chief implementer of the CPP’s terroristic activities.
“The Indigenous Peoples in Mindanao have a million reasons to be happy about the news of Ka Oris’ death as they have borne the brunt of the CTG’s atrocities under Ka Oris’ direct orders for many years. With Ka Oris out of the picture, tribal groups can finally live in peace and in harmony with each other,” LtGen. Almerol expressed.
Meanwhile, LtGen. Almerol and the whole EastMinCom expressed condolences to the bereaved family of Ka Oris, assuring them of the intent to release his dead body so that a decent funeral will be accorded to him once the proper procedure set under existing Covid-19 protocols is completed.
LtGen. Almerol also assured the public that the whole EastMinCom will be tireless in its intent to win the peace in Eastern Mindanao to allow development to flourish in the area.
“There will be no letup. We will remain aggressive in pursuing the remaining communist terrorists. Hence, I am appealing to our brothers and sisters who remain fighting under the CTG to lay down their arms and embrace our government’s offer of a better future,” LtGen. Almerol reiterated.

Source: Public Information Office, Eastern Mindanao Command, AFP

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